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Structural Repair / Construction Works / Building Project Management GET A QUOTE
What We Do
We offer the following services together with advice on practical aspects of construction from conception to completion.

Foundation Repair Works
Uneven Floors in a building are almost certainly signs of foundation damage caused by differential settlement.
Putting off structural repair works or engaging an unqualified contractor can affect the appearance, safety, and value of your property or structure.
The actual cost of putting off foundation repair could result in expanding cracks, tilting walls, and sloping floors with an increased risk of plumbing leaks.
The result is substantial and avoidable repair costs if the building deteriorates and you need to tear down the structure and rebuild.
We pride ourselves on helping our clients strengthen shaky foundations through affordable foundation repairs, waterproofing, and upgrades.
Our core areas of expertise to stabilize foundations:
• Concrete Crack Repair
• Pressure Grouting Concrete Repair
• Pile Protection Jackets
• Underpinning Foundations

Slope Stabilization Works
Buildings and structures can be affected by slope movements and erosion caused by wind, water seepage, and flowing water.
As a result, it is vital to stabilize the area to ensure any potential casualties can be avoided or kept at a minimum.
Slope stability can be achieved by implementing slope stabilization methods to stabilize an unstable or inadequately stable slope.
Our core areas of expertise:
• Guniting
• Soil Nailing Technique
• Shotcrete
• Micropile Installation

Civil Construction
Developers involved with the design, development, construction and maintenance of civil engineering projects must ensure they can deliver effective and high-quality solutions to their clients.
7DSM can deliver your construction projects from factories, roads, drainage, sewerage, or plumbing, according to your specifications.
We possess the technical skills and capability to create and build buildings and structures of the highest quality from procurement to completion.
Our core areas of expertise:
Factory Renovation, Refurbishment & Retrofit
New Industrial and Factory Construction
Road & Drainage
Sewerage & Plumbing

Dilapidation report / Non Destructive Testing
A Building Dilapidation Report is an important document that records the potential risk or damage to property.
A Dilapidation Survey outlines the current building condition and records any existing structural damage, including areas that may be prone to further deterioration.
Establishing a broader picture of the risks to the building protects the owners from legal issues that may arise before performing any construction work.
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a testing and analysis technique used by the construction industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component, structure or system for characteristic differences or welding defects and discontinuities without causing damage to the original part.
Owners of high-investment facilities can be made aware of the reliability and safety of the weld, component, equipment, and other materials, allowing them to make informed decisions.
Utilizing our expertise in both fields, we help clients manage risks, enhance safety, and achieve construction targets.
Other Services We Provide

Factory Construction

Foundation Strengthening

Injection Method for Waterproofing

Piping Work

Sand Blasting

Steel Structure Fabrication

Structure Strengthening – Carbon Fiber Wrap

Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Tank